The new clock is good. I’ve been hankering for multiple alarms since the days of my 6600.
Finally there are thumbnails in the Video Centre though they could be much larger. I was wondering why most of my video icons were so dark when I released that the thumbnails were being generated from the first frame. What tit decided that the first frame would make a good preview icon? Most produced films fade up from black. There is a reason why YouTube uses the middle frame.
Visual radio has been improved and I was able to download references to all the stations in my area (this couldn’t have been in the first update six months ago???.)
There is a nice grid overlay function in the cam now (was this there before???)
There is the story I read of the N800 that had had the latest N810 software installed and suddenly the processor is running quicker. There was also a hidden FM radio tuner.
Then we find out about the N95 accelerometer.
This all smells like deliberate ‘hobbling’ of the product so that a new and improved N95 (i) can be released and Nokia can sell a new device to the great unwashed geekdom.
There is a much older story of how TV remote controls all have the same innards, but the manufactures add buttons to the casing to access the extra built in functuality, as the price of the TV the remote is attached to rises.
A lot of companies seem to be ‘taking the customer for granted’ in this way.
Vista had all sorts of new functionality promised for it, and most of the useful stuff such as a new file system was cut out. All we saw from the final release was some extra graphics and a confusing splitting up of a single product into lots of colourful boxes.
Apple users have started de-installing Leopard and returning to the previous version of the operating system as expectations haven’t been met.
Adobe recently made a comment that if they had realised the extent that Apple was going to de-feature the new version of their ‘low end’ video editing system, they would have released a Mac version of the updated Premier Elements.
So what is the moral of the story?
Don’t buy another Nokia device until it has had at least a couple of firmware revisions (probably about twelve months after the device is released onto the market.)
So here are my predictions for the New Year.
Someone will realise that Nokia isn’t putting a lot of effort into taking advantage of the hardware of the N95 and will find even more speed and extra battery longevity.
Some and maybe a lot of the dpad functionality will be replaced with accelerometer function calls.
It's bit like cars, don't buy the first of a new series until you are willing to accept some problems. I think there will be little wrong in the newer N95's and N82 and future models of this serie. And don't forget. The first N95's and their firmware starting from still beat the holy crap out of any other phone.
ReplyDeleteConcering video icons. What tit designed a videoformat not telling the playback software which video frame to be used as icon? And It should not be difficult to have the first and single video frame contain an image of a title. What tit starts with black? This is not a typical N95 problem. It is a video problem. Youtube has a 'solution' but an inelegant one at most.