I’ve built another of these new fangle Google maps so that you can ‘wander’ around and see where the videos and photos were taken.
As with the previous one, feel free to zoom in and scroll around within the window. The pins can be clicked on and contain videos and photos.
The purple line is the route that I took.
If the pins don't appear, click here to visit the Google map site and view the map there.
There were cops on foot, cops on cycles, cops with a water cannon, cops riding motocross, and if not for the equine flu outbreak there would have been cops on horse back.
The only thing missing was cops on roller blades!
Where the heck did all these cops come from?
The tourists were in seventh heaven as there was a cop from who they could ‘ask for directions,’ every couple of meters or so.
That is unless an unfortunate tourist took a photo of THE FENCE and then the cops would swoop in and make the visitor delete the last couple of shots in the memory.
I travelled into the city on a bus, and over heard a family talking about attending the protest. I heard the mum describing what the protest was about and one child said ‘mom I don’t want them to use the water canon on me.’
What's this about THE FENCE and deleting photo shots?
ReplyDeleteWhat was the fence?
ReplyDeleteGood question.
The government decided that Australians were such a threat to Gee Dubya (can you see them making this sort of an effort to protect any other head of state on the planet?) That a huge chunk of the CBD (including our famous Opera house, the financial district, and a lot of upmarket shopping) was fenced off.
Anyone entering (other then members of TV comedy sketch shows) this zone had to have special ID’s attached to their person.
This fence was so critical (the thing was made out of a metal mesh) to the security of Gee Dubya (the dude showed up with five hundred personal and I bet even the cooks had a ‘licence to kill’ and that didn’t seem to be enough to protect this much loved statesman) that photos of this spectacular fortification were banned.
Click here to get up to speed…
cool including the map! it's like I was there.
ReplyDeleteinteresting; and the link, wow, is the government stupid or what?!
ReplyDeleteThat would be a 'pretty much yes' sort of an answer I would have to give.