I've just been pinged by a local cemetery where I took some video and made a bit of a montage type thing.
Interesting that when I popped in to view the YouTube of the sender of the email, the account had been open for four hours.
I’m thinking that someone drew their attention to the video, and they opened an account specially to send me the ‘cease and desist.’
It was a polite email, and looked like a form letter so I would think that they have it sitting around to ping others.
Dear Mr T,
We note that you have taken, reproduced and have placed (either for sale or otherwise) photographic images of ??? Cemetery at both this You Tube website and the following address: http://www.flickr.com/photos/davetimperley/
We have no record of application or approval issued to you for the purpose of filming, displaying or disseminating images of the cemetery. In light of this you do not hold copyright permission to use the cemetery in these images for public exhibition either in physical or electronic format. We recommend copyright and filming permits be arranged with us ASAP to avoid any possible complications. Until such time as permission is granted the images containing elements of the cemetery MUST not be placed in the public domain.
The images we have found are not considered to have been created or used in relation to family history or genealogy research for your family.
We are a cemetery used often for photographic and film work and we try to accommodate as many requests as possible taking into account we are a fully operational cemetery with competing demands placed upon our resources.
We are happy to help you sort this particular issue out by contacting the cemetery office.
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